Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Year, New Start

Here it is, the beginning of Jan. It always sneaks up on me. All the anticipation and lead up to the holidays and then, Yea... We're in 2009! Then all of a sudden, it's March before you know it. What I'm saying is that the beginning of each year always seems to go so fast. I have recognized it, I am aware of it, so it can't best me again, right?
In this new year, when we are supposed to reinvent ourselves (Dr. Phil told me so) I have decided to do something about it. I have had an idea for a new series in my head for a while now. In truth, I've had ideas for several hundred series in my head but there is one which is ready to be realized. It will require an introspective look at my relationships with male members of my family, my forefathers, and how I came to be who I am. I have always been interested in social history through the ages. Examining how we arrived here as a people? Which key moments and individuals shaped our laws, borders, speech, attitude? Now I am applying this examination to myself and my family tree. Who came before me? Who influenced me? What lead me to become an artist from a line of doctors?
I am very excited about this new line of work. Because of this, I will be taking my time to form the ideas before crafting the look and application of those ideas. This will be a break from my MO of the past few years when I felt I had to create as much work as humanly possible, send it out to my galleries and representation, and they sell it, right? Not so much in these trying times. Sales have slowed considerably as several of my galleries are having trouble staying afloat. I have been so prolific over the last 2 years that I have created an inventory which far exceeded sales, even when sales were good. This means that I have plenty of inventory to carry me through the foreseeable future, even if the economy turns around and sales pick up sooner rather than later.

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