Monday, December 22, 2008

Make a list, check it twice.

With the holidays already here, we're all making lists... wish lists, gift lists, shopping lists. As artists, we are often overlooked as small business owners (often by our own doing). We need to see ourselves in this way and we need to plan accordingly. This is the time to look back at the year and evaluate our sales numbers as well as production and marketing. How many paintings did you make in 2008? How many did you sell? What was your average sale amount? Now forecast for 2009? Where do you want to be? What if you increase production? what if you raise your prices slightly? Maybe you need to increase marketing. We are all in different stages in career development but it is true for all of us that we can only improve if we have a plan. Look at what you did well this year. Maybe you finally felt comfortable approaching that gallery you had your eye on for some time. It worked out well and they not only accepted to show your work but also sold several pieces. Great! So next year, you should be looking at other galleries to reach out to to broaden your retail territory. Maybe you found a patron who is supportive of your work and your career. Next year you should be looking at ways to being that individual closer into your process and making them feel apart of your art so they continue with their support. This is the time. Make a plan. Write it down and keep it handy through the year. Return to it often to make sure you are on track. You can't get to where you want to be unless you know where you're going. Be well. Happy Holidays.

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