Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Shot of Penicillin

It's tax time and I've been reviewing my books for 2008. Not the kind of topic you expect to find on an art blog but, yes, I'm a business owner, too. In assessing my numbers for last year, it is evident that the recession hit this small business in May. After May, there was not a steep decline in revenue, though. On paper it is more like a slow leak. But thinking back, I can remember how each sale required more and more effort to set up and to close after May. Now, after several months with little activity, galleries closing, and inventory accumulating, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Seemingly all of a sudden... I was invited to exhibit at SxSW, one of, if not the biggest music and media festival in the country; I have 2 group exhibits poised on the horizon to open within a month's time; 2 trusted brokers are setting up client presentations of my work again; and I recently received confirmation of a private commission. With all of the promise that these signs bring, I expect that we are on the road to recovery. And if this trend continues, it's going to be a good second quarter!